As you may have noticed, I’ve stopped posting 3 Bullet Designs. As I stated in my previous post analyzing how the project was going, I’ve come to realize that while fun, the 3 Bullet Designs project was more interesting as an idea generating process than an actual design test. Ultimately, what I would like to do is improve my design skills and 3BD takes up a significant amount of my time and is not pushing me towards that goal. To that end, I’ve stopped the project. I still achieved an entire month’s worth of game ideas which I think is a nice accomplishment on its own. I may end up publishing the left overs eventually as I get around to it.
What’s Next?
My next project that I’ve moved onto is a Discord chat bot dubbed, Panda-Bot. It’s a simple chat room bot that will allow users to roll dice and do simple arithmetic on the results. The target audience is users of Discord who regularly run table-top RPGs via Discord’s voice channels (such as myself). Below is a small screenshot of it in action:
You can follow my progress on GitHub!